
The Great Unknown Adventure

It’s been awhile since I was able to live tweet some Doctor Who but over the holiday I was able to catch back up on the two that I’ve missed! And now, one of my favorite Tenth Doctor episodes so far: School Reunion!

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My Soul is Writing a Book About Me?!?!

Yesterday I spent half an hour freaking out because I published a post and in the margins it said:

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.

~Marsha Norman

WHAT?!?!?!! My soul is writing a book about me? Why is it doing that? What is it doing that for? Please don’t do that! And I’m really worried about these illustrations ….. I mean, I’m not sure giant talking dog-rabbit things should really feature in an illustration of my life…….. AND WHAT ABOUT THE MONKEYS?!?!?!?! I mean let me tell you, they are some creepy monkeys!

I mean, what would my soul even write in a book about me?  I mean, it’s not like it has hands …. or does it? Sort of ghostly, spectral hands ……….. and how are those supposed to type? Honestly ….. I suppose it could dictate, but surely people would  run and hide when they saw it coming ……… I’ve got a bad feeling I’m beginning to mix up souls and ghosts …….

What is a soul anyway?

Let us turn to my two must untrustworthy advisors – Google and Wikipedia.




  1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
  2. A person’s moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.
spirit – mind – psyche – heart – ghost


The soul, in many mythological, religious, philosophical, and psychological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a person, living thing, or object.[1] According to some religions (including the Abrahamic religions in most of their forms), souls—or at least immortal souls capable of union with the divine[2]—belong only to human beings. For example, the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed “soul” (anima) to all organisms but taught that only human souls are immortal.[3] Other religions (most notably Jainism) teach that all biological organisms have souls, and others further still that even non-biological entities (such as rivers and mountains) possess souls. This latter belief is called animism.[4]Anima mundi and the Dharmic Ātman are concepts of a “world soul.”

Soul can function as a synonym for spiritmindpsyche or self.[5]

Methinks the Google version is simpler 😀

Back to topic – how can a soul write a book? Let alone one about me! I mean according to Google, my soul is me!

I think I have delved to deeply …….. Ooooh Lord of the Rings moment 😉

(You know what they awoke in the dark)

Anyway, I think I just might have given this a bit too much thought …………. Oops 😀

Anyway, my Shine On post is coming, it’s coming! Either later tonight or tomorrow, I promise! Well, allons-y!, revising for Biology SAT :{





The Evils of TALK-TALK

Talk-talk are officially EVIL! Would you like to know the extent of their evil-ness? Would you? Would you? Well tough, I’m going to tell you anyway 😉

It all starts when I get home from school at about 4 ish. I rush in the door, run upstairs, turn m laptop on, and quickly load up all the sites I might want to go on for the next 2 HOURS! It’s like a half hour internet marathon!

And why?

Because at 4:30 pm, EVERY weeknight, the dreaded


goes up. It is an evil device which decides to stop me going on YouTube, Facebook, games – even WordPress! It sucks all the fun from the internet!  If I try to go on them after 4:30, I get a horrible blank screen with the words

Your HomeSafe settings prevent access to this site.

The site you tried to access was detected to contain content that falls into the category Social Networking, which your HomeSafe settings won’t allow.

It is pure EVIL! And if I rty and go on too many things at once in the half hour before the internet is locked in a maximum security prison for two hours, my laptop freezes up, none of it loads and the internet dies! So, dear readers, if I do not post on a specific day, or don’t post until late, or do a really short post, then that is probably why.

As for today, I got home, got my laptop on, pulled up the WordPress ‘new post’ page, and then went and watched Miranda series one, episodes two and three for and hour. It was very good :D. Well, I shall attempt to do the Shine On Award when the internet is let out on bail at 6, so until then,



P.S I HATE TALK-TALK! I swear they are trying to ruin my life……..


Random post of random lifeness which, whilst being indubitably correct right and proper in every way is at one and the same time random delusional and unreasonable yet insightful and meaningful, random and simple post

This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
~ Winston Churchill



An Award or Two

I got an award! Or two …… I was halfway through writing this when I got another one. Honestly people, can’t you spread them out a little bit more? Aw, I love you all really 😀

Anyway, I have got the Beautiful Blogger award twice and the Shine On Award. I feel so special ….. 😀

I will do the Beautiful Blogger Award first, so thank-you to Elly and George for nominating me (look, I’m posting! :D)

Ooooh, I gaave myself two because I am special and this makes me doubly beautiful 😉

Anyway, this is what I have to do:

1.Display the Award Certificate on your website (tick tick)

2. Announce your  win with a post and link to whoever presented your award (tick … ish)

3. Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers

4. Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post

5. Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Right, on with the show!

Okay, 15 deserving bloggers …… hmmm ……..

I am now treaking through the blogging rainforest in search of rare and incredible blogs ….. and also following the trail of awards …….. it’s quite entertaining sometimes 😉 anyway, best David  Attenbrough impressions …..

girlwiththesilverlocket (here we have a rare specimen of blog, a very entertaining and hilarious blog with fish ……. )

whateverhappens  (a very inspiring blog, definitely worth the trek through the rainforest)

floodedroses (an excellent and funny blog, and yes, it already has this award hanging from it’s blog-branches but I feel it should be awarded it again. Shoot me. Aaaaand David Attenbrough has died.)

littlemissnerdybookworm (again, I now this blog has already got this award, but I am stubborn, and insist that people who don’t nessessarily want this award shall have it. So there. :p)

ellythewelly (of course!)

Ten more to go ….. I shall never survive ……

invisiblethoughts (another amazing blog …. another random teenager 😀 will it never stop? :D)

alltheloveabove (needs an about page. AMAZING.)

attentiallupo (See, this is why I love google translate. I can read blogs …. in Italien! Amazing blog though. 😀 More politics orientated then the others …..)

thebexeffect (very hilarious and funny teenage blog. Plus she lives, and I quote, ‘half way between District 12 and Hogwarts. You’ll find that just over the rainbow.’ What’s not to love?)

sleepingonclouds (excellent blog – amazing pics :D)

Only five more to go! And a whole other award …… oh well, we’ll get to it 😀

nomorerecklesshipsters (AMAZING blog – you guys need to post more! Do it! Now! Or …. or ….. I’ll …….. I will set Geoff and Harry on you!)

sillycharlie (very very funny and generally great :D)

mypersonalbookshelf (a very excellent blog with a lot of very excellent stuff. Look forward to finding more …)

theeurophiles (They travel Europe and find awesome stuff! What’s not to love? Plus thanks to the I have the word for that moment when you think of the perfect comeback and it’s just to late (l’esprit de l’escalier, in case anyone cares))

and last but not least,

ellydeklein (a very awesome and funny blog with awesome stuff!)

Yes! Finally! 15 bloggers 😀

Now – 7 interesting things about me ….. hmmm

1) I read. A lot. That’s not really that interesting is it ………

2) Ummmm…….

3) My Umpa Lumpa died. It was sad.

4) The green magical snake and green non-magical snake are still alive though.

5) Whenever someone I haven’t heard of before likes or follows anything on my blog, I dance around going ‘New people! New people! New People!’

6) I’m supposed to be revising right now

7) I suffer from SM Syndrome.

Well, that’s it! I think I will dedicate a separate post to the Shine On Award …….. Anyway,



P.S. I have just finished watching Dead Poets Society for the first time and I literally cannot stop crying. It is an AMAZING film and I love it so much! I will share this clip that made me almost cry even before I watched the film! It’s the very last scene of the movie and if you’ve seen it, there will be crying. I think I cried for the last 40 minutes of the film – and that doesn’t usually happen! Anyway, here is the clip:



RIP Steve Almighty

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep beep beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

Rest In Peace Steve Almighty.

approximately 10 days ago, this blog went into mourning for Steve Almighty. Today is his funeral.

I have composed a eulogy using his own words from those moments when he hijacked my blog. How we shall miss him ………..

Steve Almighty

A Very Stevely Christmas

A Very Stevely Christmas part 2 (alas, now never to have a part three)

Bio of a Squirrel

This is his eulogy:

Hello, peoples of the blog-o-sphere, I am STEVE ALMIGHTY! As you may already know, I am the Umpa Lumpa that lives on that strange creature Beth’s head. I am not your common and garden Umpa Lumpa, oh no, – I, am a Capillus Umpa Lumpus. Literally, Umpa Lumpa of the hair. I share my abode with The Green Magical Snake, although he doesn’t talk much. I am also


of the Umpa Lumpas. Cower before me mortals!! However, I shall be merciful, and bless your house with gumdrops. Go forth into the world and bring them to all you meet. The Great God Steve is charitable. Thou art a Disciple of Steve. Gumdrops upon you. Now go forth, and spread the word of Steve.

Friends said:

“Do you think Steve will escape Death?”

“This is all your fault Steve”



Rest In Peace Steve Almighty. We have had many times, good, bad ……… bad ………..

I shall miss you old friend.

Peoples of the blog-o-sphere, for the last time, I give you,


Goodbye Steve.




It’s Pancake Day!

It’s Pancake Day! I was going to do what I said I would (to whit. my favourite Llamas With Hats quotes), but then realised I could quote the entirety of all four episodes from memory.  I wonder what that says about me ……… in case you forgot, this is Llamas With Hats :D:

<iframe width=”640″ height=”480″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/3-vsynsE8RQ?rel=0&#8243; frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>

And it’s Pancake Day! And I’m supposed to be doing my R.E homework …… oh well!

Did everyone have pancakes for breakfast/tea/some random point in the space time continumumumumumumumum when it happened to be Pancake Day? I did! They were yummy! Be jealous. Be very jealous …….. 😀

My favourite pancake topping is lemon and sugar – on big thin pancakes that is. On small fat ones I like Nutella 😀 But butter is also nice ………..

If you have no idea, what I’m talking about, say so now. What really? Oh fine, I’ll explain *rollyeyedface* (Which reminds me, why hasn’t anyone come up with a rolly-eyed face – this is a worldwide problem! We need an answer!).

Nutella is chocolate spread, masquerading as healthy stuff with nuts and natural ingredients in. It’s basically chocolate spread. It is DELICIOUS!

As for the big pancake/small pancake thing, we, at least in this small corner of Yorkshire, have both. When asked to choose between them, we say both. When pressed to pick just one, we say “ummmm ………..both”. That is how we do pancakes here. Deal with it. 😉

I LOVE pancakes! I found some very interesting pancakes on t’internet earlier ………..


Andon a rather massive Doctor Who tangent, these 😀

Here's a pic that made me laugh :)

Thanks to Lolly for the SM syndrome pic (I rather think I have caught it ………..)

I love the Dalek one ………..

Anyway, regrettably my homework is calling, so I must depart.

Oh, and I have taken up writing on my hand. I do not know why. At the moment the words ‘click click click click camera’ are on top of ‘the Devonshires held this trench/the Devonshires hold it still’ which is on top of ‘and if it’s ever gonna get any better/it’s gotta get worse for a day’.

So a random mix of songs and stuff ………

Anyway, I must away!

Au revoir!



Oh, and have you heard?





One Does Not Simply Stop Being Pope

Hehehe …….