
New-y new-y newness on the blog-o-sphere ….

This post is dedicated to new bloggers, three in particular, because that was me only a couple of months ago! Only now I can talk about hand-eating llamas and world-taking-over alpacas without fear of …… um ….. yeah ignore that last sentence. Anyway, theses are some awesome new bloggers who I would like you to meet!

In no particular order …..



Three people who have posted all of one post. Which made me spend about 5 minutes laughing, it was that good. They’re called Lil’chef, Kceby and MARTINI’O, and I have no clue why 🙂 Looking forward to their future posts for more information., and lot’s of laughs. Plus they like Miranda. What’s not to love? 😉




Another teen, who isn’t really a newbie (that’s not a good word is it …. I need a better word ….), but last blogged in November. Their first post was promising (what is happening to me? I sound like I actually know about this sort of stuff!) and I want them to post more! Ooh look, you have a mission. Good luck!




George got a blog! This is him. Go easy on him, he’s new to this. Anyway, go check out his blog!


Well, that was me being all superior for the day – back to my llama vs. alpaca bubble of universe. Tell me what you think of the blogs in the comments, and have fun!