
We’ve gone all multi-cultural!

Hello all!

Sorry for bailing on you yesterday, I was busy being miserable, slightly ill, feeling sorry for myself and reading a good book. Oops ……


Me and Elly have a thing.

Which, now I come to explain it, I feel slightly guilty for.

Basically, it’s a 


competition. The aim is to get views from as many countries as possible to fill in the lovely little map on the stats page WordPress so helpfully provides.

Slight guilt.

Well the point is, up until recently, I could claim that I was winning, because a LONG time ago I got all of TWO VIEW from the Russian Federation (as it is called on the WordPress stats page)! And, as you may or may not know, Russia is a BIG place. So my map kinda looked like this:



See! Sort of mainly filled in a bit! But then (shock horror!) ELLY GOT A VIEW FROM RUSSIA!

(dun dun duuuuun!)

So now her map looks like this:

Image‘Tis a tragedy! I must concoct a cunning plan ……. hmmm …….

Or, I could just go to bed. That sounds better …………

But first, I’m going to say hi to every single person who has every viewed my blog, by country! Are you ready for this? Go!

529 from the Uk! Hi!

165 from the US!

28 from New Zealand!

26 from France!

9 from the Netherlands!

7 from Australia, Philipines, India and Canada!

6 from Germany!

4 each from Ireland and Zimbabwe!

3 from Kuwait, Austria, Oman and Argentina!

2 from Romania, Russia, Poland, Indonesia, Slovenia and South Africa!

And last but not least, 1 from Singapore, Czech Republic, Mexico, Morocco, Hungary, Lithuania, Serbia and Pakistan!

I love you all!!

Please comment and tell me what country you’re from and what you think of it!

Have fun!

(And help me beat Elly!)






One Thousand, Two Hundred and Twenty Two Ways to Say Sorry!

This is going to be a massive post because I am very guilty because I haven’t posted in absolutely AGES! Like the time it would take to make the entire Lord of the Rings series plus The Hobbit. O_0. Sorry!

But stuff has happened! Okay, not that much stuff, but you know, stuff!

I will start with a video 😀


I think I’m going to watch Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince later ….. I haven’t seen that one in ages ……

And my uncle is back! He’s been living in Australia for the past year and hasn’t really come to visit since its, you know, Australia (i.e. a long way away) but he’s come back to visit! For two weeks! Which is very exciting because he is my favourite uncle (Shhhhhh!).

Video number 2!


Because I’d forgotten how much I love Busted 😀

And Lord of the Rings:


I really need to read the books again …….

And another thing happened ………


(well technically 61, but who cares :D)

Very exciting! So thanks to:












So thank you! And thanks to all the other amazing people (50 of them! Wow ….) who follow my blog – I love you all!

More Busted:


And I was dancing around the kitchen earlier for numerous reasons:

1) I put Busted on (oh come on, how can you not dance to Busted?)

2) I’d just got up, and it was sunny, and I’d made myself some coffee in my ‘Trust Me I’m The Doctor’ mug



http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=rHjpaH06xB8#! (about 3:50)

I love this, I really don’t know why:


There’s also a Voldemort finale you can download here, or the full song on iTunes 😀

Should I do I copyright thing?


All okay? Onwards!

I got an award from George! Thank you George 😀

It’s the Tag award, and these are the rules:

1. Post these rules

2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random facts about you

3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.

4. Create 11 new questions and tag new people to answer them.

5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

Right – let’s start with the 11 random facts:

1) I’ve eaten snails (no, not just randomly. In a restaurant. In Alnwick. Cooked.) They were yummy. Moving on.

2) I recently (ish) got my hair cut the shortest I’ve ever had it cut. But in a good way 😀

3) I have pretty much an entire shelf dedicated to Terry Pratchett books, and  have read ALL of them. I mean ALL.

4) I have the entire West Wing boxset courtesy of my aunt, and am permanently in a state of watching them all the way through. When I finish, I start at the beginning again.

5) I’ve seen every Doctor Who episode ever made since 2005 at least twice.

6) I’ve read all of the Lord of the Rings books the whole way through at least once. And watched the films.

7) Harry Potter. You know the rest.

8) I love Blackadder as well 😀

9) I have a teddy. His name is Scruffy. Deal with it.

10) I like Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother (Science joke – Why did the chicken cross the Mobius Strip? To get to the same side! Haha :D. What?)

11) My screensaver on my phone looks like this:



Right! Questions:

1. favourite book? Aaah! You know when someone asks you what your favourite book is and immediately every book you’ve ever read goes out of your head? (Knew I’d find a way to get Doctor Who in here somewhere :D).

2. favourite band? Why must these be so hard????

3. favourite piece of music? Ditto!

4. biggest fear? I don’t really have one ….. But one of my fears is being trapped in a small space underground with tons and tons of really heavy rock above me ……

5. reason for starting a blog? I was bullied into it (Elly and Taby ;)) and realised I loved it, and, for some reason, people liked reading what I wrote 😀 Never looked back 😀

6. favourite fictional character? The Doctor! No, Sherlock! No, someone from The West Wing, NO ………. DAMN YOU GEORGE!

7. favourite movie? RRRR why must your questions be so difficult! I love the Green Hornet (Kato = awesome) and Pirates of the Caribbean obviously, and the Harry Potter films ……. I think my favourite Harry Potters are The Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter – with DAVID TENNANT in!) and The Half-Blood Prince because – SNAPE! And bits of the Deathly HAllows for the same reason ….. And I like The Order of the Phoenix because of Umbridge and the DA 😀  Also St. Trinians (the first one), Austin Powers, Singing In The Rain and Shrek. I CAN’T DECIDE!

8. favourite tv series? George, are you trying to kill me? Doctor Who, Sherlock, The West Wing, Blackkadder. Ooh, I know – favourite TV series running at the moment, Doctor Who (only 1 more day everyone!), because the WEst Wing has stopped and so has Blackadder, and Sherlock is in the middle os filming season three (!). So on TV at the moment? Doctor Who 😀

9. favourite time of the year? Oooh, yay, one I can actually do! Autumn, because I love the colours and the smell and also it’s when I was born. And I also love the way you can have those fabulously sunny days and also freezing wintery ones – and the way its almost two seasons at once, without the rainy spring-ness 😀

10. favourite food? I’m not sure about favourite food, but I love snails and cheesy spaghetti bolognaise and lasagna and soup and ice cream and cream and these DELICIOUS chicken goujons (google it :D) my granddad makes and everything really. I’m not picky 😀

11. do you also have difficulty in thinking of list of questions? Yes! And now I have to do that don’t I ……..?

And now my nominations!

Let’s seee…..

Chloe (again – sorry!)





George 😀

And my questions:

1) Favourite Youtuber/YouTube channel/YouTube video

2) Favourite Tv Series and favourite episode from that series

3) Best thing to use as a hat

4) Craziest thing you’ve ever done in a public place

5) Worst thing you’ve ever drunk

6) Best mug you’ve ever seen (I want pics :D)

7) Insanest hairstyle you’ve ever had

8) Longest you’ve ever gone without posting

9)Longest you’ve ever been away from home

10) Numer one on your bucket list

11) Item you REALLY want to own one day

Ooh, hey, they were pretty good questions! I am proud 😀

I think a Movie Villian Medley?


Hehe ….

And Florence and the Machine:


Wow, over 1000 words!

Quick Doctor Who thing, then I’m gone 😀


So far we’ve had The Bells of Saint John

And The Rings of Akhaten:

The music in The Rings of Akhaten was …… amazing.

And tomorrow (for those of you in the UK) there’s Cold War!

Very excited! No spoilers though 😦

I am attempting to do the impossible …….. find out NOTHING  about the 50th Anniversary OR Sherlock season 3! It’s KILLING ME!

Now, a lovely ‘cheery’ Disney Parody ……..


Okay, let’s go slightly more cheery – Morecome and Wise! The Andre Previn Sketch 😀


I think that about concludes for now, but I have not forgotten you! And will return 😀

Goodbye, farewell, and






A Thing (or 50) Happened ……..

Once upon a time ……..

There was a thing ………….

and then it happened ………………….



*returns after about 3 hours of running around room, jumping on chairs, general screaming and kissing inanimate objects*


See, I abandon you for (how long was it? Weeks? Sorry, I wasn’t really keeping track) and look what happens! I should try that more often …….. I joke, I joke. Or do I ……………………?

Anyhoo, look at that! 50 followers and 1 whole post! Mucho excitement radiating from this corner of the blog-o-sphere …….. which reminds me  you never see people saying ‘from this middle of the –0-sphere’ I mean it just doesn’t happen! I wonder why …………

Well, I must depart! There shall be another, longer post soon (I got an award! I know! Another one! It’s insane!) so I will see you then!






Doctor Who/I’m Baaaaack!

I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I VANISHED! That was bad and wrong of me. But look! Blog post! Please don’t kill me, it’s Christmas! Kind of. Not really. It’s been a while ……

Anyhooo, today I want to talk about …..


Also known as the greatest show in the known universe, Taby don’t even think about saying anything.

As you can tell, I love Doctor Who. Since this is going to have to be a quick post, I just thought I’d share this:

Whovian Code:

I (insert name here) hereby swear to ….

  1. Always say allons-y instead of let’s go, here we go, vamos a ir or any variation
  2. I will quote Doctor Who whenever possible
  3. I will never ignore a coincidence
  4. I will never look away from a stone angel even if I’m being rude to someone else
  5. I will never use violence unless it is the last option (which it never is) or Rose Tyler is in danger
  6. I will say nothing except for BAD WOLF on 12-21-12
  7. I will always explain things at hyper-speed
  8. I will always appear to have a plan, but never will
  9. I will never give up
  10. I will always say “What could possibly go wrong?” because something will
  11. I will never purposely stand in a shadow
  12. I will cry
  13. If I am in pain I will show it
  14. I will never stop believing in The Doctor
  15. I will fall over pointlessly
  16. When falling I will say “Geronimo!”
  17. I will never simply say “I’m sorry”. I will say “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry …”
  18. I will Vote Saxon [X]
  19. YANA ever
  20. I will make random Doctor Who connections whenever possible no matter who I’m with
  21. I will never ignore a crack
  22. I will always say I’m from Gallifrey
  23. Always push, pull, press, open the bottom, lever, switch or door that says to do the opposite
  24. I will ignore KEEP OUT signs
  25. I will talk my way out of everything
  26. I deny this reality
  27. I believe in aliens
  28. The Doctor is real
  29. It’s not just a show, it’s my life
  30. I will Run. For. My. Life. Just to get down the street
  31. Bow-Ties are cool
  32. Fezzes are cool
  33. I will never abbreviate Doctor
  34. I will ask random people “Are you my mummy?”
  35. I will ignore the consequences, this is my life

I (state your name) fully understand what I am pledging. I will never break my pledge. Whovians unite. We are strong, we are many, we are together.

X ________________________________________________________________________

If you don’t watch Doctor Who, or don’t have the faintest idea what I’m talking about, or just think I’m a bit weird, watch all Doctor Who episodes from 2005 onwards, and when you’re done laughing/crying/dancing around the room cos EVERYBODY LIVES, you can tell me about Doctor Who. Plus I got a very awesome Doctor Who mug for Christmas.

WOW, over 500 words. Okay, that was longer than I thought it would be. Anyhow, I’m back, and I love Doctor Who. Hi!

Hasta La Vista,


P.S Steve will be returning shortly, he is currently on holiday. He sends peace and banananas 😀