
Excuses, excuses, excuses …

I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry! I am a fail at life. I’m sorry! I didn’t post yesterday, and I’m really sorry! I wonder what excuse I could possibly have to make it all okay ……..

(you can see where this is going can’t you …)


The Alpacas ate my house.

And my computer. And my head. I am typing this to you from the afterlife. Elvis says hi.


I was on a secret mission for the Llamarmy.

I went to Belarus and gathered secret intelligence on Charles, a minion of the Alpacalypse. Spit happened. Highly classified. 


The TARDIS came to my house.

I’ve really been missing for 6 months. I would have posted yesterday but someone can’t land on the right day. Ever.


I was kidnapped by giant spiders.

They nearly ate me, but I was able to escape by the cunning method of using feather dusters to tickle them until they went to sleep. As everyone knows, giant spiders are extremely ticklish.


I punched Sherlock Holmes in the face.

Somehow I ended up at 221b Baker Street, just in time to help Sherlock and John solve a top-secret case. Oh okay, I’ll tell you. It was the Case of the Strange Bumblebees . .. Anyway, Sherlock was looking a hot as usual, and even more annoying than usual (if that’s possible) so  I ended up punching him in the face ……… Well, it was nice meeting them.

Sherlock Series 2 BBC Poster

Well, that’s what I did with my day! How about you? Feel free to pick your favourite excuse.  Now, just to finish off, I’m thinking of taking French, German, History and Further Additional Science (or FASSSS, as I’ve decided to call it) for GCSE. Just in case anyone wants to know about my life ;).

Anyway, have fun!




Jobs and GCSE’s …..

This is just going to have to ba a quick post as I’m in school, at lunch, and really shouldn’t be posting ……


This is all your fault blogger-y people. You have corrupted me!!! I cannot post tonight so I am risking a detention to bring you this!


Because I have a job! An actual job with actual moneys and stuff! This is a big deal! But it means I cannot post on Thursday nights, because that is when my JOB is. Job-y job-y job-ness ……….. (have I used that already??). Anyhoo, would you like to know what my job is? Would you? Would yoou??

Well tough.

I joke.

Oh dear ……

So, if you really want to know what my job is …………. I shall tell you. Now. On the very next line …..

Or the next ….

Or the next ….

Or the next ……..

Ooooh, a pink fluffy unicorn dressed as an alpaca!

But I digress.

My actual real first real job ever ever ever is ………..

Hard to describe in one word.

Oops ……

Well you see, my sister (who is 8 by the way … or is she 9?  …. oh dear ……) goes to a childminder’s after school every day except Thursday. That childminder (whose name I have changed for random purposes …..) is called Jessica, and she is very nice. She is also very busy (you can see where this is going can’t you ….) so has asked me to help out on a Thursday evening! And is going to pay me!

Mwahahahaha …..

I am slightly unnecessarily excited about this, but it is preventing me from blogging on a Thursday evening 😦 I shall probably have to do what I did on Tuesday, which is write the post the day before, and then schedule it (see, I worked out how to do that ;)) for the following day! Which is why I posted at 4 am yesterday ……… a few problems to sort out, but I’ll get the hang of it!

Another thing that’s happening tonight is Options Evening …… :<><><><><><><> (oooh, what a strange face …. :() Slightly stressed, as you saw yesterday, but should be fine ……. Anyway, wish me luck!



P.S. Tabby is forcing me to go boy-stalking now ……… hehe ….


This is scaring me …….

There’s something new. In a place I thought I knew. In the dashboard, clicks on posts. Add new. And there it is. Look to the right ……

What is going on?!?!

WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?!?!  This wasn’t here before! What does this mean? Is it a sign? Have the Alpacas finally invaded? Is it time? What does super-awesome even mean?


It’s got a box next to it. I click on it. I click on it again. And again. And again. What is it doing?? Is it watching me? Is this the death button? Every time I click it, does someone die? Are the Alpacas eating them? Are they coming here? Does it bring them closer every time I click it? They’re going to eat me!



*Beth returns from hiding under a blanket for a few minutes*

Umm ……..

Sorry about that ……….

I think I might be a teensy bit stressed ………

We have to choose our GCSE options soon, and I’ve been trying not to let it get to me …….

I think it’s working great!

Anyway …..

This button is creeping me out a bit. It’s like it’s just sitting there, watching me, waiting for me to write a post that is less than super-awesome, so it can report me to the Alpacas ………

It’s okay, I’m okay, I’m ….. okay?

I should probably go now ……..



Evil Alpaca